How to Be an Asset to Your Company

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
In the world of finance, an asset is something that puts money in your pocket. In the world of business, an employee is hired to do the same thing for a company. An employee uses their knowledge and skills to earn money for themselves and...
Table of contents

In the world of finance, an asset is something that puts money in your pocket. In the world of business, an employee is hired to do the same thing for a company. An employee uses their knowledge and skills to earn money for themselves and their employer. Over time, an employee can increase their value to a company to a point where they become indispensable. Use the following steps to become an asset to your company.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Improving Your Performance

  1. Step 1 Exceed expectations.
    At the company you work for, you will have a specific job role and this is how you make the company money. If you can't do your job well, you will lose customers and you may become a liability, meaning that you lose the company money. To ensure you do your job well, you must learn how to do it to the company's standards. Learn from other employees, get a mentor, enroll in training courses and be eager to learn as much as you can. The results you get at work are ultimately what you will be judged on.
    • This is the most important part. The whole reason the company employs you is to perform in this job role. Do it correctly and do it well.
    • Self-improvement and networking are important, but if your performance slips because of them, you won't be doing yourself any favors.
    • Think about the company's return on investment (ROI) on you. How much money are you making for them in relation to your salary? Doing so will help frame your contributions and help you find ways to increase your measurable value.[1]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Expanding Your Skills

  1. Step 4 Build a robust network.
    A strong network is a valuable tool that can be used to strengthen your own value at work or increase your value to a future employer. Work to build up a network with your coworkers and in other departments at work. You should also look outwardly to clients and other members of your industry. Make and maintain strong relationships with these people. It's very valuable to be known as the employee with connections that can be used to solve problems.
    • Work to build up your network both inside your company and outside. Attend work functions, conferences, and industry events to network with professionals in your industry. Then, be sure to regularly keep in touch with your contacts.
    • Provide your contacts with favors without the expectation of having them returned. This is a good way to solidify your position with them and construct a strong network that you can use to further your own career.
    • Another way to increase the strength of your network is to get published in the media or industry journals. This will get your name and your company's name out there, and may lead to greater recognition and increased business opportunities.[4]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Displaying Excellence

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