How to Enjoy Your Early Teen Years

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:10
The early teen years mark the start of high school, adolescence, and growing up. Oftentimes, young teenagers may be unsure of how to live their early teens happily and well. These are your last years before you start preparing for college...
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The early teen years mark the start of high school, adolescence, and growing up. Oftentimes, young teenagers may be unsure of how to live their early teens happily and well. These are your last years before you start preparing for college and adulthood. Here are some ways to live out your years from 13-15 well.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Staying Healthy

  1. Step 1 Get enough sleep.
    In your middle school and high school years, your sleep will decrease, usually due to more assignments. It is still crucial to get enough sleep in order to perform well in school. Your body uses sleep as a time to repair itself and for rest. [1] Don't stay up too late (after midnight) regularly.
    • Teenagers 13-18 years old need 8-10 hours of sleep. [2]
    • If you sleep well, you will also avoid being late to school.
  2. Step 6 Seek a mental health expert if you show signs of a mental health issue.
    During the teenage years, it is common to experience some mental health issues. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, consider talking to a school counselor or a therapist.
    • Depression: This is indicated by a low mood. The affected person has feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness. They lose interest in activities they used to like. They may have mood swings and get emotional over small things that didn't bother them before. [5] Some teens may harm themselves or consider taking their own life. If you feel this way, please call a mental health hotline or dial 988 in the U.S.
    • Eating disorder: This is indicated by an obsession over their appearance. Teens often obsessively check their weight to see if they gained any. They may refuse to eat much or eat in secret. Some try to lose the calories they gained by vomiting or taking laxatives. Others excessively exercise, wearing themselves out. The affected person may feel ashamed of themselves and have low self-esteem. [6]
    • Anxiety disorder: This is indicated by constant anxiety. Teens may feel anxious every day. They may also get worried over little things that didn't concern them before. You can't function normally in certain situations. Some people get panic attacks. They may avoid the event altogether to prevent themselves from feeling anxious. [7]
    • Addiction: This is indicated by constant thinking about the subject. The person constantly thinks about the subject. They may skip mandatory or important events to get it. They may go through physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms if they are unable to get it. [8]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

School Life

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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Personal Life

  1. Step 4 Calm down if you are angry with your parents.
    Sometimes, your parents may annoy you, which causes you to get furious with them. They may treat you like a kid when you want to grow more independent. [11] Realize that yelling, screaming, and arguing is not effective communication, and arguing will drive a wedge into you and your parents' relationship. You may regret being estranged from your parents when you are an adult. Your parents may not understand what they did to make you unhappy. Additionally, some parents may be clingy because they are apprehensive about you growing up. If you sit down and explain how you are feeling and why you are feeling this way to your parents, you may find a way to solve the problem.
    • Use "I" language when explaining your emotions. Find a way to compromise if your parents have strong feelings for something.
    • Sometimes, you may have to give into your parents. Your parents may be doing what is best for you. You may have to wait until you are an adult to get a piercing, and that's ok. It's not the end of the world, and you can wait a few months and check again to see if they will allow you.
  2. Step 6 Don't let social media influence you.
    Social media is a large space for users to communicate and post what is happening in their daily life. Social media can increase your connections, especially if you and your friends communicate with it. But it can isolate you if you overuse it. Scrolling for hours on social media is unproductive, and you may develop an addiction to it. It may also expose you to unrealistic standards and cyberbullying, which could lead to self-esteem issues, anxiety, or depression. [12] [13]
    • Hang out with your friends in school and outside of school. Go to their house to hang out and have a sleepover if you've gotten to know them better. Invite them to your birthday party, or just chat after class.
    • When you have free time outside of school, try doing other activities offline. Depending on social media for boredom isn't healthy. Having healthy boredom that requires you to do something creative (instead of giving your brain easy dopamine by scrolling) is better. Actually take the time to find something you enjoy.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Discovering Yourself

  1. Step 2 Stop trying to fit in a mold.
    We all experience surface pressure and peer pressure from time to time. You might be scared that doing something different may make you the target of bullying. Friends you have may have taught you to cringe at someone liking an underrated hobby (e.g. knitting). If you truly like it, you don't have to follow what others say. Break the surface pressure by freely expressing what you believe. You can stand up for what you believe in because you have a voice. You may be part of the minority, but that's not a bad thing. It's great to try something new too; if there's a new course offered in school, you may be one of the first ones to try it out. Maybe it's an interesting class you want to take again, or maybe it's not the right fit for you.
    • The teenage years are hotspots for intense peer pressure, since everyone is self-conscious and/or judging each other. [16] However, you don't have to be like this. Be yourself; it makes you happier in the long-term, and you may share opinions that help people.
  2. Step 3 Express yourself.
    High school is the last frontier before you become an adult, so enjoy it while you can. High school is very stressful for many people, because of the pressures of school, applying to college, and becoming an adult. But a way to enjoy it is to express yourself. In adulthood, you may not have the freedom of expressing yourself in the workforce due to high standards and expectations of being professional. Middle school and high school are good times to figure out your fashion sense, what music you like, what friends you look for, etc.
    • Even if your school requires uniforms, you can still express yourself.
    • Don't be forced into liking a certain type of style. Discover what you like on your own. Some fashion styles include the preppy, goth, emo, skater, punk, scene, VSCO, and fashionista styles. You also don't have to fit into one category; you can use accessories from multiple styles of fashion.
    • Find out what artists you like listening to. You don't have to listen to pop that's overplayed on the radio. You may find out cooler underrated artists. Or, you may find musicians from earlier decades, like the 2000s, 90s, 80s, and 70s that you enjoy a lot.
  3. Step 5 Remember your priorities in high school.
    Because of peer pressure, you may be tempted to adopt a party and carefree lifestyle, going to parties and hanging out at people's houses until late at night. But you shouldn't do this. High school is an influential time for teenagers, and it shapes who you are going to be in your adulthood. You may adopt bad habits and keep them through adulthood, making you struggle through your working years.
    • You don't need to go to every party to have a social life. You can make friends that aren't party animals.
    • You don't need to become popular in high school. Peaking in high school in terms of social life can be detrimental to your future, especially if you used bad ways to become on top of the social ladder. Colleges will see what you did in high school, and they won't accept you if your reputation was bad.
    • In stricter schools, this probably won't happen. But be very cautious when dating. Additionally, wait until you are mature enough to get sexually active. Having sex is a very serious thing, and you should wait until you are emotionally ready and mature enough to do so.
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