How to Talk to Girls as a Teen Boy

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
Do you want to feel more comfortable talking to girls? Don't worry—talking to a teenage girl doesn't have to be so hard! Just be cool about starting the conversation and keep things laid back until you get to know her better. Remember,...
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Do you want to feel more comfortable talking to girls? Don't worry—talking to a teenage girl doesn't have to be so hard! Just be cool about starting the conversation and keep things laid back until you get to know her better. Remember, talking to a girl is just like talking to any other person. You don’t need to go out of your way to be anything other than a genuine, friendly person to chat a girl up.

Here are 11 tips that will make talking to girls feel like a breeze.


Look her in the eye and smile.

  1. Your body language says a lot, so face her directly and relax.
    Don’t fidget or stuff your hands in your pockets, which may be tempting if you’re nervous. Keep your shoulders relaxed, stand up straight, and face her with your feet so that you appear open and ready to engage. If you face away from her, look away, or don’t smile, she may assume that you’re not trying to talk with her.[4]
    • Don’t come out too strong by getting super close to her or touching her. Unless she “accidentally” grazes against you first or she goes out of her way to give you a hug, assume she doesn’t want anything physical to happen.[5]

Make small talk.

  1. Start the conversation laid back and relaxed to take things slow.
    You could anchor the chat in something going on around you, like the teacher in your class, the weather, or a book she’s been carrying around with her. Alternatively, you could bring up a movie that just came out, or a popular TV show. By not jumping into some serious topic, you give her a little wiggle room to relax and guide the conversation.[6]
    • For example, you might say "Can you believe how hot it was this weekend? I was supposed to go out, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go outside. What did you do?"
    • You might start, “You ever seen The Avengers? I just started watching it last night. It’s really good.”
    • If you just come straight out and start asking her about her deepest dreams and desires, she may feel kind of overwhelmed and put-off.
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Mirror her tone and energy.

  1. If she’s in a good mood, try to keep things positive as well.
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  • Unless you have a reasonable suspicion that she likes you, forget the pick-up lines. They rarely work and she may get the wrong impression.[14]
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