How to Stay Safe on a Field Trip

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
Many parents are relaxed and even want their children to go on field trips. On the other hand, other parents may be on the uneasy side and are concerned about the safety of their children on the field trips. Worries about getting lost,...
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Many parents are relaxed and even want their children to go on field trips. On the other hand, other parents may be on the uneasy side and are concerned about the safety of their children on the field trips. Worries about getting lost, following strangers, going to unsafe places, and behaving inappropriately are common things that parents worry about. To ease your parents' worries, here is how to stay safe during a field trip.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Staying Physically Safe

  1. Step 1 Memorize your parents' phone numbers ahead of time.
    If you are young or if you don't have a phone with your parents' contacts, memorize your parents' phone numbers. In case there is an emergency in which you need to call them, write down their phone numbers on an index card and bring it with you in a small bag. In that bag, put a water bottle, notebook, and a lunchbox if you are eating lunch at the location.
    • If you don't have a phone but need to call your parents, ask a teacher for help. They may allow you to use their phone. If you are indoors (such as in a hotel), you may ask a member of staff to use their phones.
  2. Step 2 Be careful when crossing the road.
    If you and your classmates are crossing the road, make sure you know some basic road safety. Look both ways when crossing the road. [1] This is to make sure that a car doesn't suddenly come at you when crossing, which is very dangerous. Walk fast, but don't run when crossing the road, as you could fall. Don't cross the road when there is a red light at the pedestrian crossing, because other vehicles will be driving on the street.
    • Even if no vehicles are crossing, don't walk over. A car could suddenly come over.
  3. Step 3 Follow your group at all times.
    Usually, your teachers will divide students up into groups before the trip or after you get off the bus. Follow your group at all times to make sure you don't wander off. Make sure that you see kids from your school around you; this ensures that you are in your group at all times. If you zone out for some time, your group may have gone somewhere else already.
    • If you need to go to the bathroom, ask a chaperone or teacher for assistance. Then, they will show you where the bathroom is and stay near it for you to catch up.
  4. Step 4 Don't wander off to another place without permission.
    If you decide to sneak out to another room of a museum, you may come back to find out that your group has "disappeared". Plus, you will probably get in trouble. Ask for permission from a teacher first.
  5. Step 5 Bring a friend to the restroom with you.
    It's best to not go alone if you need to go to the bathroom. For younger kids, the teacher likely assigned partners in case they need to go to the restroom. If you are a preteen (ages 8-12), take your best friend or a nice classmate you know to the restroom. Your friend could look out to see where the group has gone, minimizing the chance that you get lost in the museum.
    • You can take turns looking out for each other while using the restroom.
  6. Step 6 Ask for help if you are lost.
    If you are lost, ask for help. If you are in an indoor area (e.g. a museum or hotel), find the front desk (usually located on the first floor) and ask a member of staff to help you. Say which school you are from and your name to help the staff find your group. If you have a phone, call one of your friends or a teacher.
    • Don't ask a person who doesn't look like staff; you don't know what their intentions are (plus they may not know how to help you).
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

While Dining Out

  1. Step 1 Don't eat too much unhealthy food.
    If you're staying at a place for a few days for a field trip, you may get to enjoy the cuisine at the hotel. However, don't take this field trip as an excuse to eat junk food when your parents aren't here. It isn't a wise decision because you'll constantly be moving. If you get a stomach ache, it will be difficult for you to find a good time and place to use the restroom when everyone is moving quickly.
  2. Step 2 Avoid food that triggers allergies.
    Always remember what types of food allergies you have. If you have food allergies, tell the teacher if you haven't yet, and bring an allergen-free snack in case you are hungry. If you will be eating at restaurants, find something that doesn't trigger your allergies on it. You can always ask the waiter for the specific ingredients just to make sure.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Avoiding Sickness

  1. Step 1 Clean up after yourself after eating.
    Don't eat in places that are difficult to clean, like your hotel bed or on the bus. It will be a hassle for people to clean after if you don't clean up after yourself. While eating out, wipe your mouth, and be careful not to make food bits fall onto the table.
  2. Step 2 Place a seat cover on the toilets while using the restroom.
    Most restrooms have disposable seat covers that you can put on the toilet seat. There are millions of tiny germs and bacteria that you can't see on the toilet seats of public bathrooms, since so many people go and sit on them every day. So, to reduce the risk of getting, sick, put something on the toilet seat. If there aren't any covers, use toilet paper.
    • You could also try hovering over the toilet seat to pee if you are a female. Make sure you are aiming in the toilet and not to the sides; this will get messy if you do so.
  3. Step 3 Always wash your hands.
    Wash your hands after a meal and after you use the bathroom. Public places have a lot of germs, so wash your hands after eating a meal and after using the bathroom. If you are on your period, wash your hands before and after you change your sanitary products to reduce the risk of infection. If you touch something like a handrail, a bus seat, or another public structure, use hand sanitizer to freshen up your hands.
  4. Step 4 Wear a mask if you show signs of sickness.
    If you aren't sure if you are sick, start wearing a mask. Bring a few masks in case you are becoming sick or if people around you are getting sick. For example, if someone you share a hotel room with is sick, wear a mask when you are near them. If you do show signs of sickness, tell a teacher. Even if it's a simple cold, you should still recover at home. This also prevents your illness from spreading to more students. They can call your parents to send you home to recover.
    • In the meantime, freshen up with hand sanitizer and practice bathroom hygiene. If you get struck with diarrhea, practice bathroom hygiene and use seat covers when using the bathroom. Make sure to wash your hands frequently.
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