How to Cope when Loved Ones Refuse to Come to Your Wedding

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
When you're getting married, you have a million things on your mind. Unfortunately, having loved ones refuse to come to your wedding can make it difficult to enjoy planning your big day. To help you cope with their decision, you should...
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When you're getting married, you have a million things on your mind. Unfortunately, having loved ones refuse to come to your wedding can make it difficult to enjoy planning your big day. To help you cope with their decision, you should focus on the happiness and love surrounding your wedding. Shifting your attention to the positive will remind you what your wedding is really about. You should also communicate your feelings with the loved ones. Being honest and open with your emotions will help you manage their decision to accept or refuse your invitation.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Communicating With the Loved Ones

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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Coping with Your Loved Ones' Refusal

  1. Step 4 Deal with the pain of rejection.
    Having loved ones who refuse to come to your wedding may be very painful and feel like a rejection. Allow yourself to feel that pain and grieve a little, then take steps to rebuild your bruised self-esteem and more forward. Catch any negative talk — things like "What is wrong with me?", "Why don't they love me?", etc. — and remind yourself that everyone experiences rejection, even the most confident and successful people. The way to recover is to think of the rejection as something outside of yourself; that it has absolutely nothing to do with your worth as a person.[10] This is your loved ones' problem.[11]
    • If your self-confidence is hurt, try taking a moment every day to write down three things you like about yourself. On top of that, you might write a few things that you are looking forward to at your wedding, such as cutting the cake with your new spouse.
    • Try setting a limit on how long you can grieve. Tell yourself: "I can mourn the fact that my dad won't be at my wedding and walking me down the aisle until Friday at 4pm. Then I will let go of it."
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Helping Your Fiancee Cope

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