How to Introduce a Child to a New Boyfriend

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:08
Introducing your child to a new partner is a decision that should not be taken lightly. However, if you feel that the time is right in your relationship to introduce your child to your new boyfriend, it is also very exciting because you...
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Introducing your child to a new partner is a decision that should not be taken lightly. However, if you feel that the time is right in your relationship to introduce your child to your new boyfriend, it is also very exciting because you now get to share the most important person in your life with somebody you care deeply for.  The following steps will give you some guidance on how to make the introductions easy on you, your child and your boyfriend.


  1. Step 1 Make sure that...
    Make sure that you and your partner have a stable and happy relationship with potential for a future before making any introductions. Chopping and changing partners and introducing your child to every man you meet can be emotionally damaging and confusing to the child. Children are susceptible to forming bonds with people quickly and if the relationship is unstable and your partner leaves, your child will also suffer the loss. Be sure of your relationship before making any decisions.
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  • Don't forget to separate the time you spend with your partner and the time you spend with your child. The bond between you and your child should never ever be compromised by the existence of somebody else. 'Me and You Time' is very important during this transitional period in a child's life. 
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  • If your partner shows any signs of aggression or makes any sort of derogatory remarks towards your child, you will have to reconsider the relationship for your child's sake. You want the sort of man who will influence your child in the right way, not the wrong way. 
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  • Your child may not necessarily take to your new partner right away. This is completely understandable. You have known your partner (hopefully), for some time before you introduced him to your child and it may take some time for a bond to form between them both. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't work out the first few times. Persistence and patience is a virtue in this circumstance. 
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  • Remember to include your child when your partner is around. A child will feel vulnerable if you ignore them just because this man is in your company. This will cause despise towards the man in question and may cause the child to act out when he is around, in order to get your attention.
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  • If your child starts 'acting up' for reasons that are unfounded, then you will have to be firm with them. Tell your child that you won't put up with bad behaviour around this person and explain that it is unacceptable.
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