How to Be a Computer Geek

Chủ nhật - 05/05/2024 23:24
Little known to most, there are many benefits to being a computer geek. In our high-tech society, being a computer guru can be one of the most high paying jobs available and computer geeks are in high demand, especially for network...
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Little known to most, there are many benefits to being a computer geek. In our high-tech society, being a computer guru can be one of the most high paying jobs available and computer geeks are in high demand, especially for network administrator jobs. By tapping into your inner geek, you can develop a most useful skill that will be sure to pay off later in life.


  1. Step 1 Learn what hardware is.
    Hardware is the physical stuff that makes up the computer and the media that is used to connect computers to other computers.
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  • Don't misunderstand the meaning of a computer geek. A computer geek is not a person who talks with chat room language (using codes like ROFL, 1337, etc.), uses nothing but the command line to write "fake virus" batch files (or writes real harmful computer viruses), but rather a person with a genuine interest and passion for computer technology who wants to learn everything they can. If you want to learn about computers and contribute and use them in constructive ways, and will accept new knowledge, you are a true computer geek.
    Helpful 95 Not Helpful 28
  • Trying to fix computer problems (specifically hardware problems) may void the said hardware's warranty.
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