How to Be Nice to Your Family

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
A healthy family can pick you up when times are rough, support you towards your aspirations, and encourage you to be your best self. People with healthy and connected families are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer....
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A healthy family can pick you up when times are rough, support you towards your aspirations, and encourage you to be your best self. People with healthy and connected families are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.[1] However, to get these benefits your family has to get along. If you're mean to your family and don't know how to stop, it's time that you take the correct measures to fix your behavior, and work on being nicer for everyone's well being.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing Positive Behavior

  1. Step 1 Do not yell, scream, or lash out violently.
    If it's become normal in your family to lash out by raising your voice, it's time that you work on changing that behavior for your entire family. Verbal and physical abuse can come in many forms and includes yelling, screaming, berating, hitting, slapping, or trying to humiliate someone.[2] Instead of letting the argument escalate to that level, talk in a calm voice and get your opinions and views out without yelling or screaming.
    • Instead of getting personal just say something like "I really didn't like that you went into my room and read my diary. Those are my personal thoughts and I want to keep them to myself."
    • Older family members should set the example. The more that you yell and scream in your house, the more likely that children will emulate the behavior.[3]
    • If you are a younger person in the family whose elders yell and scream, it doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do. Remain calm and talk to your family members.
    • Saying things like "calm down" or "it's not a big deal" may make someone angrier. Try to see their point of view and the reasons they are mad instead of dismissing their feelings.
  2. Step 2 Stop and think about why you are mad at them.
    If you get angry often, it's important that you start to understand your anger and work towards reducing it when you're in conflict. Being angry consistently can take a physical and mental toll. Over an extended period it could lead to insomnia, high blood pressure, digestion problems, and depression.[4] Be honest with yourself and think about why you are angry, then come up with potential solutions and compromises instead of losing your cool.
    • For example, if your parents asked you to raise your grades and you get angry, think about why you are angry. Are you angry that your parents are asking you to do something, or are you angry because you're having a difficult time in school and may need help? In the end they are looking out for your best interests.
    • Let negative feelings of entitlement go. Don't think things like "It's not fair" or dwell on not getting your way. It will make you angrier over time.[5]
    • Do not hold back your feelings or emotions to try to come off friendly or polite. If something bothers you, speak up, or else you may repress your anger, and it could come up at a later time.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing Nice Things

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Communicating With Your Family

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