How to Beat a "Tough" Person in a Fight

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
Sometimes you may find yourself in situations where you can't avoid a physical altercation. In general, a "tough" person as anyone who is bigger and/or stronger than you. Many people looking to pick a fight target anyone who they perceive...
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Sometimes you may find yourself in situations where you can't avoid a physical altercation. In general, a "tough" person as anyone who is bigger and/or stronger than you. Many people looking to pick a fight target anyone who they perceive as weaker than they are, so it's likely that you'll face an opponent with a physical advantage. Luckily there are a few ways you can even the odds, whether you've been jumped on the street or challenged by a rival.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Handling Life-or-Death Situations

  1. Step 1 Make the first move.
    Don't ever wait for someone to attack first. If you sense an impending attack, hit first and hit hard. This will surprise your attacker and help to level the playing field.
    • Consider the legal consequences of your actions. You must be absolutely sure you are in danger and there is no way of escaping before you strike a would-be attacker. Otherwise, you cannot justify your actions as self-defense, and the other person may win a civil suit against you.[1]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Fighting a Bigger Opponent

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Winning a Fair Fight

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Where to Strike Your Opponent

Where to Strike an Opponent in a Fight

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