How to Bury a Pet

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Getting over the loss of a pet is never easy. Your pet is part of your family, and you feel at a loss without him or her. Adding to the pain, you need to find a way to bury your pet. Before you bury your pet, though, you have a few...
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Getting over the loss of a pet is never easy. Your pet is part of your family, and you feel at a loss without him or her. Adding to the pain, you need to find a way to bury your pet. Before you bury your pet, though, you have a few decisions to make first.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking First Steps

  1. Step 3 Notify people.
    In your grief, you may not remember everyone you need to tell. For instance, it's important to notify kids who were away when the pet died. You also need to find a way to tell your children if you have young ones in your home.[4]
    • When telling kids, try not to use euphemisms. For instance, saying the pet has been "put to sleep" can be confusing. Tell the child that the pet died, and explain in simple terms what that means. For instance, you could say, "Honey, I have something sad to tell you. Our pet Kitty died today. That means that she stopped breathing and her body stopped moving. She won't be coming back to life with us."[5]
    • It can help to let the child see the body, though it's okay to soften the blow by covering the body partially with a blanket or putting a beloved toy nearby.
    • Answer any questions your child has as honestly and directly as you can, though you can say you don't know. Also, be prepared for the ways your child's grief will appear. Some children will want to write letters or leave flowers. Others may want some alone time, while still others may need more cuddles.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Burying at Your Home

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Burying in a Pet Cemetery

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