How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
School is an important part of your life. You want to make sure that you're somewhere you feel comfortable and enjoy. It might take time to convince your parents that you need to switch schools, but if you have good reasons and a good...
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School is an important part of your life.[1] You want to make sure that you’re somewhere you feel comfortable and enjoy. It might take time to convince your parents that you need to switch schools, but if you have good reasons and a good argument, you can successfully help them to understand why you want to change schools.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Planning Your Argument for Changing Schools

  1. Step 1 Write down your primary reason for wanting to change schools.
    [2] Before you can make a good argument with your parents, you need to understand why you really want to change schools. You need to be able to state this reason clearly. Some reasons you might want to change schools include:
    • You’ve been dealing with bullying, and you don’t think it’s going to get better or you don’t feel comfortable staying around those people.
    • Before asking your parents make sure your certain you'd like to switch (writing pros and cons may help). If you know this school will cost money, show them how much you want to go to this school despite the cost.
    • You feel lost in the crowd of a large school with large classes, and you’d like a smaller environment.
    • You feel like the school is too strict/nice and they never listen to your opinion.
    • You don’t think your school is helping you academically. You might need a more challenging school or a school where you could have more individualized help.
    • There’s another school that has programs you’re really interested in, like a superior drama, music, art, band, or sports program.
    • The social environment is not what you want, maybe you don't have a lot of friends or have different views than your peers. When presenting this reason, word it carefully so it doesn't give your parents the idea that you just want to party. Don't say it like the only thing in school is about having friends, either. Tell them you need a study buddy, and no one at your current school is willing to help you out.
    • As you are writing down this reason, make sure it is important enough to switch. For example, if you just don’t like math, and your school gives you a lot of homework, that’s not a good reason to switch. Or, if your boyfriend or best friend goes to a different school, this is not necessarily a good enough reason to switch.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Scripting Your Conversation

  1. Step 3 Keep your words calm and mature.
    Even if your parents don’t respond at first, you don’t want to come across as whiney because this will make it less likely that your parents will support you in switching schools. At the same time, be honest.[5] You want them to know how much staying in your current situation will hurt you. Make your statements sincere and to-the-point.
    • If you’re being bullied, don’t be too embarrassed to show them how much it’s affecting your performance at school and how much it hurts you.
    • Say something like, “There is a group of kids in my class that writes mean notes to me every day and steal things out of my desk. They call me names, and it makes me sad. I’ve asked them to stop, and I’ve talked to the teacher, but they still do it behind her back. I have a hard time enjoying school or focusing because I can’t stop thinking about it.”
    • If you think you need a school with more academic attention say something like, “I’ve been having a hard time finishing my work in school because I don’t understand it. There are so many kids in my class that the teacher usually doesn’t have time to help me.”
    • Or, if you want more of a challenge, say, “I get all A’s at school because the work is too easy. I finish all my work first, and I end up just sitting there in class. My teacher doesn’t have time to make special assignments for me.”
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Approaching Your Parents

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  • Don't tell anyone until it is final.
    Helpful 523 Not Helpful 68
  • If there's a serious problem that needs to be dealt with or stopped, tell your parents about it even if it's embarrassing. If you’re being bullied, don’t wait to broach the subject. Tell them immediately.
    Helpful 116 Not Helpful 27
  • If you want to go to a private school, be sensitive about your parents' financial situation, and stay open to other possibilities.
    Helpful 109 Not Helpful 35

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