How to Improve Mind Power

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:15
Humans are fortunate in that we have brain plasticity--the ability to change and grow our brain function. You can build new connections and perhaps even grow new brain cells by keeping your mind and body stimulated. And a small amount of...
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Humans are fortunate in that we have brain plasticity--the ability to change and grow our brain function. You can build new connections and perhaps even grow new brain cells by keeping your mind and body stimulated.[1] And a small amount of effort to improve cognitive function has disproportionately large positive payoffs,[2] so read on to learn how to cultivate your brain power.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Exercising Your Brain

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Nurturing Your Brain

  1. Step 2 Eat well.
    There are a number of foods that researchers believe can lend themselves to improved brain function. Of course, eating walnuts won’t make you a genius, but it may help your brain do what it needs to, and maybe do it a bit better.
    • Food high in omega-3 fatty acids, like walnuts and fish, are important to brain development and may help regulate mood and concentration.
    • Eating foods rich in magnesium is also believed to improve brain function, and, because many people are magnesium deficient, increasing your intake might also be a good idea in general.
    • Antioxidant-rich foods are believed to help protect the brain from degeneration and are primarily found in fruits and vegetables. The darker the fruit or vegetable, the higher it usually is in antioxidants.[10] For example, blueberries, blackberries, plums, red beans, and black beans are all high in antioxidants.[11]
    • Food rich in whole grains helps to regulate your body’s glucose levels, and because glucose is what your brain uses for fuel, keeping your levels steady is important to your mood and ability to concentrate. Good sources of whole grains include foods like steel-cut oatmeal, brown rice, and oat bran.[12]
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