How to Choose Your Own Nickname to Fit Your Name

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:10
A good nickname is like a calling card. It says who you are and quickly sets you apart from other people with the same name. Whether you are looking to adopt a new moniker for practical reasons or just for fun, here is how to choose a...
Table of contents

A good nickname is like a calling card. It says who you are and quickly sets you apart from other people with the same name. Whether you are looking to adopt a new moniker for practical reasons or just for fun, here is how to choose a nickname based on your own name and make it stick.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Weighing the Options

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Choosing the Perfect Nickname

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  • Overly grandiose nicknames (like "Dragon") rarely stick, because people feel silly calling others by such names. On the other hand, a name that is too ridiculous (like "Turd Monster") may backfire and stick a little too well, leading to ridicule. Stick to names that slide by in conversation without too many raised eyebrows.
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  • If your friends already have a nickname for you, it may be very difficult to change it. If it is a mean or hurtful nickname, speak to them about how it makes you feel first, instead of just trying to overlay it with a new one.
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