How to Get Rid of a Nickname

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
People develop nicknames, both friendly and unfriendly, for all sorts of reasons. Often nicknames can be hurtful, sometimes you just don't identify with the name, or maybe you think it makes you sound too childish. Nicknames, especially...
Table of contents

People develop nicknames, both friendly and unfriendly, for all sorts of reasons. Often nicknames can be hurtful, sometimes you just don’t identify with the name, or maybe you think it makes you sound too childish. Nicknames, especially well-established ones, can be hard to get rid of. Correct people who use the nickname and reassert the name you want to be known by. Remember that a nickname is only a name, and it does not represent the person you are.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Challenging the Nickname

  1. Step 1 Don’t answer to a nickname you don’t like.
    If someone has started calling you by a mean nickname, or something that you don’t like, the first step is not to respond. He might be calling you by this nickname to try and get a rise from you, so try to ignore it, or just raise an eyebrow and walk on.[1]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Reaffirming Your Chosen Name

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  • If you are being hurt by a nickname, talk to a trusted adult, such as your parents or teachers.
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