How to Join 4H

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
4-H is a youth organization that offers many opportunities for youth ages 5-19 to meet new friends, learn new skills, experience leadership, contribute to community, and much more! The four H's of 4-H stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and...
Table of contents

4-H is a youth organization that offers many opportunities for youth ages 5-19 to meet new friends, learn new skills, experience leadership, contribute to community, and much more! The four H's of 4-H stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health, the four main values of 4-H and the principles that members develop through 4-H activities and programs. Joining 4-H is easy — usually, it's simply a matter of finding, contacting, and applying to a local chapter!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Becoming a Member

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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Being a Great 4H Member

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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Volunteering as an Adult

  1. Step 4 Choose your role within 4-H.
    Once you've been approved and have completed your orientation/training, you can usually begin your work as a volunteer immediately! Depending on your club/branch affiliation, different opportunities may be available to you. You may be asked, for instance, to lead field trips, help organize fundraisers, or supervise community service projects, to name a few possibilities.[9] You may even be asked to design and spearhead projects of your own — it all depends on the 4-H organization you join and the level of commitment you're willing to make!
    • 4-H volunteers are expected to act as role models for the youth under their supervision, so regardless of your exact role, you'll be required to act in accordance with 4-H values to set an example for those around you.
    • Note that, in some areas, being bilingual can open up many opportunities for you as a volunteer. In California, for instance, 4-H specifically prizes volunteers who can speak Spanish because this skill allows them to be more effective leaders for Spanish-speaking youth, to participate in Hispanic community programs, and to act as translators for other staff.
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  • Although there are 4-H clubs in every U.S. state and territory, there may not be a 4-H club near you. If so, read up about 4-H on the internet and start one yourself! With some advertising and volunteers, you can get a bustling 4-H club going in your community. It is very worth the effort!
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