How to Defend Yourself

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
The difference between walking away and becoming tomorrow's newspaper headline is how well you are prepared to protect yourself in a bad situation. You can prepare some simple techniques to defend yourself before and during an attack,...
Table of contents

The difference between walking away and becoming tomorrow's newspaper headline is how well you are prepared to protect yourself in a bad situation. You can prepare some simple techniques to defend yourself before and during an attack, whether it be a fight or an ambush, ensuring your safety.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Maintaining a Defensive Posture

  1. Step 1 Guard your face.
    If the attacker is trying to punch you or grab you from the front, put your hands on your forehead in a "Not in the face!" sort of gesture and hold your arms tight on your body.[1]
    • This may look like a weak defensive position, but that is to your advantage since it brings your opponent's guard down. In addition, this position protects your face and your ribs, two places you'll likely want to protect.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Defending Yourself from the Front

  1. Step 2 Kick or grab the groin of an attacker.
    Bringing a knee sharply into the groin of an attacker or grabbing the groin with your hand and twisting is an instantly effective move that will take your attacker down. Again, this isn't the time to worry about fighting dirty. If your life is in danger, go for the groin.[4]
    • If this doubles up your opponent, consider smashing your knee into their nose to ensure that they'll be down for the count.
  2. Step 4 Go for the kneecaps.
    If, for example, you are being choked, or your assailant has their hands up in your face, attacking their legs will give you the opportunity to open them up to more attacks, or allow you to escape.
    • This is especially effective on larger attackers and easy to do from your guarded position.
    • Kick at shins and knees soccer-style, with the instep of your foot. This is a quick and painful kick. In addition, if their legs are close enough, lift your knees into their inner leg (femoral nerve), outer leg, knee, or groin. These will break down your attacker and may disable them.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Defending Your Back

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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Avoiding Confrontation

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What Are An Attacker's Main Weak Spots?



  • You can be held civilly or criminally liable if you respond to an attack with significantly more force than the attacker. Only use as much force as needed to ward off an attack; don't use more force than necessary.
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  • If you feel the aggressor has a weapon or you are in danger, call 911. Wait for the police to handle the aggressor, do not try to reason with them, talk with them, or engage with them.
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  • Threatening an assailant with a weapon like a knife or a firearm is a bad idea unless you fear for your life.
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  • Your aim should be to de-escalate the situation with the aggressor and settle with peace. If they're not willing to come to peaceful terms walk away from them. It may seem like a loss, but fighting leads to absolutely nothing but someone getting hurt or even killed. Do not run, just ignore them and go on with your day.
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  • Remember, never be the first to attack. Let your aggressor hit you first so you can later press charges against them or sue them in court for damages. If you attack first, they will be able to claim self-defense so always let them be the first to attack.
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