How to Identify an Atheist

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:14
The vast majority of people want to avoid offending other people and knowing what someone does or doesn't believe can help you not to be offensive. It can be easy to know what some people believe, lots of people display their beliefs by...
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The vast majority of people want to avoid offending other people and knowing what someone does or doesn't believe can help you not to be offensive. It can be easy to know what some people believe, lots of people display their beliefs by wearing certain clothing or jewelry, some will use language that shows their faith and some openly pray or offer blessings. Identifying atheists can be more difficult, an absence of any of the things that commonly show faith is an obvious start, but, not every person who worships a god advertises it. If you want to know if someone is an atheist, try these steps.


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    Ask some questions about their life in general for "clues", if appropriate. If you are often in social situations where small-talk goes on, you can ask subtle, inoffensive questions that might reveal that someone has a religion, or that they don't. For instance, you could ask, "What are your plans for the weekend?" If they say they are going to church on Sunday, it's very unlikely they are an atheist! You still shouldn't assume though. Around religious times of the year, such as Diwali or Christmas asking about plans for the holidays could reveal beliefs. You can try to find out if someone is not an atheist by getting a group conversation going about where people were christened or baptized and lead it on to what they'd want to do for their children. You can ask about people's spouses if you think it's appropriate. Lots of people are happy to describe their wedding day, theoretically, the happiest day of their life, those that got married in a religious service, and still have that faith, are likely to be identified as not atheist during a conversation like this.
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  • You can try to engage them in theological debate, but this might rift whatever relationship you might have developed with them.
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  • Try to get rid of your preconceptions. Atheists are the same as all humans but they do not believe in any gods. Being an atheist does not mean anything except the lack of belief in God.
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  • Do not preach to them. Oftentimes, they've been evangelized to by the best already.
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