How to Look After Your Pubic Hair

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
Medically-backed tips for cleaning your pubic hair and pubic areaPubic hair—we all have it and it's nothing to be ashamed of! Pubic hair protects your genitalia from friction and keeps it warm. Even though pubic hair is totally natural,...
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Pubic hair—we all have it and it’s nothing to be ashamed of! Pubic hair protects your genitalia from friction and keeps it warm.[1] Even though pubic hair is totally natural, keeping it clean and tidy is an important part of personal hygiene and is essential to your health. While there’s no medical reason to remove your pubic hair, we'll explain all the ways you can do it if you'd like to.

Things You Should Know

  • All you have to do to care for your pubic area is to wash it regularly with warm water and fragrance-free soap.
  • Always make sure your pubic area is dry before putting on clothes, as moisture can trap bacteria and cause infections and irritation.
  • There’s no medical reason to remove pubic hair; however, many people find that trimming, shaving, or waxing their pubic area helps them feel cleaner and more confident.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

How to Clean Pubic Hair

  1. Step 1 Wash your pubic hair with warm water and unscented soaps.
    Using fragmented soaps or perfumes to wash your pubic area can aggravate or irritate your skin. Your pubic area has a specific pH level, and certain soaps can throw this off. Opt to wash the hair down there with unscented body washes or products meant for pubic hair and skin.[2]
    • Avoid using deodorant, talcum powder, shampoo, or fragranced wipes to clean your pubic hair. Although these can be tempting if you’re experiencing unpleasant pubic odors, they can cause an imbalance in your natural pH levels and make the smell or irritation worse.[3]
  2. Step 2 Wipe the pubic area after going to the bathroom.
    After using the toilet, clean your pubic region with a damp towel or tissue paper to keep the area as clean as possible. Regularly wiping after going to the bathroom is essential in stopping the spread of harmful bacteria.[4]
    • While it may be tempting, avoiding using personal hygienic wipes with scents. This can cause redness and irritation, so always opt for unscented wipes for sensitive skin.
  3. Step 3 Keep your pubic hair dry to avoid irritation.
    Moisture can cause irritation, so always dry your pubic hair and skin before putting on clothes. Gently rub the area with a soft towel or use tissue paper to soak up any leftover moisture. Along with relieving discomfort, keeping your pubic hair dry also helps prevent unwanted bacteria from growing.[5]
    • Dry your pubic hair completely before putting on clothes after showering or swimming. Try using a hair dryer on a cool setting to ensure everything dries down there.
  4. Step 4 Wear breathable undergarments.
    Opt for looser clothing and avoid nylon, synthetic, or tight clothes if you’re experiencing irritation. This is especially important when temperatures are high and sweating occurs. Stick to wearing underwear made of organic cotton to help your pubic area breathe.
    • Ladies, leave the lingerie for special occasions. Gentleman, opt for boxers whenever you can to aid in testicular health.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Best Ways to Remove Pubic Hair

  1. Step 1 Trim your pubic...
    Trim your pubic hair if you don't want to remove it completely. There’s no medical reason to remove pubic hair; however, trimming the excess may help you feel cleaner. Choose to trim your pubic hair for a cleaner appearance and feel, if you prefer.[7]
    • Make sure your pubic hair is dry before you trim it, as it’ll be easier to manage.
    • Always trim your pubic hair standing up to reduce the risk of injury (or accidentally cutting yourself).
    • Use clean trimming scissors or sheers to reduce the risk of infection. Disinfect your trimming tools by cleaning them with rubbing alcohol.
    • Clean your trimming tools when you’re done before storing them away. This way, bacteria won’t build up between uses.
  2. Step 2 Shave your pubic...
    Shave your pubic hair to remove it as painlessly as possible. If you choose to remove your pubic hair, shaving is the most economical and painless option (especially when compared to waxing). Follow these steps for a comfortable shave:[8]
    • Trim the pubic hair before shaving. Use pubic hair scissors to cut your hairs as short as possible. This keeps hairs from snagging on the razor and pulling your skin.
    • Choose a razor designed for pubic hair. Most razors work fine, but a specialized razor can help prevent nicks and cuts.
    • Bathe or shower before shaving to open your pores and soften coarse hairs.
    • Use unscented shaving cream to help protect your skin. However, avoid putting shaving cream on your genital area as it can cause irritation and inflammation.
    • Apply aloe vera or baby oil after shaving. Avoid moisturizers with added dyes or fragrances.[9]
  3. Step 3 Wax your pubic...
    Wax your pubic hair for a smoother look. Getting waxed or sugared by a professional or doing the job at home may be ideal if you want a clean look that doesn’t need much maintenance. Experts recommend getting waxed every 4 weeks if you want to remain fuzz-free down there, while shaving typically needs to be done every 3 days. However, there is an element of pain that comes with pubic waxing. To ensure a comfortable waxing experience:[10]
    • Take aspirin or ibuprofen 30 minutes before getting or performing a wax to help relieve pain.
    • Wait until your pubic hair is about a 14 in (0.64 cm) long before waxing, so the wax can grab onto the hair follicle and be easier to remove.
    • Follow the instructions of at-home wax kits carefully. Some kits require prepping a pot or cup of wax, while others have premade strips ready for use.
    • Test the temperature of the wax before applying it to your pubic area. A burn down there can be extremely uncomfortable. Apply a bit of wax to the inside of your wrist. The wax should be hot enough to spread over your skin but not hot enough to burn.
    • Wear cotton underwear and clothing after waxing to help your skin to breathe and avoid irritation. If needed, try soothing the skin by applying petroleum jelly to the area with a cotton swab.
  4. Step 4 Get laser hair removal to remove pubic hair semi-permanently.
    While laser hair removal isn’t a permanent solution for removing pubic hair, it does last longer and can reduce the amount of hair that grows over time. Laser hair removal is a safe option for pubic hair but requires a licensed professional's help. Typically, you can go 2 years between hair removal treatments.[11]
    • Laser hair removal uses a process of selective photothermolysis to destroy hair follicles.
    • Look for a licensed professional in your area by searching “[your city] laser hair removal” online.
    • Some individuals report inflammation and irritation after getting laser hair removal in their pubic area. Know that there may be swelling and redness in the area for a few days after treatment.
  5. Step 5 Have electrolysis hair removal done for a permanent option.
    Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal process that’s arguably less painful than laser hair removal and requires no downtime. The treatment is done by a licensed professional who inserts a thin wire under the surface of the skin to shock and destroy the hair’s root. This hair removal process works best for those with dark, coarse pubic hair.[12]
    • To see results, clients need appointments every week or every other week for up to a year and a half.
    • While electrolysis is one of the safest hair removal procedures, there are still risks. It’s possible to develop an infection or experience discomfort during or after treatment.
    • Find a licensed electrologist in your area by searching “[your city] electrolysis hair removal” online.
  6. Step 6 Remove ingrown pubic...
    Remove ingrown pubic hairs by exfoliating or seeing a doctor. Trimming, shaving, and waxing pubic hair can cause ingrown hairs, or strands of hair growing under the skin. If you have an ingrown hair down there, you’ll most likely feel discomfort or pain in the area, see a small raised bump that’s red or purple, and experience itching. Follow these steps to get rid of an ingrown pubic hair:[13]
    • Stop shaving your pubic area to allow the hair to grow. Most ingrown hairs go away on their own in a month.
    • Apply a warm compress to the area for 10 to 15 minutes every day to help release the hair.
    • If your symptoms don’t improve after a month, seek help from a medical professional. They can prescribe medications to help reduce inflammation and infection. In severe cases, they can also remove the ingrown hair with a surgical knife and tweezers.
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  • Avoid shaving the pubic area on a regular basis. Pubic hair protects your skin and pubic region from harmful bacteria and viruses. Regularly shaving the area could also irritate the skin and put you more at risk for infections.
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  • Don’t tan or expose your pubic region to harsh sunlight before waxing or shaving. This can irritate the delicate skin and cause discomfort.
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  • Doctors do not recommend using depilatory or hair-removing creams on your pubic area, as the chemicals can irritate the genitals.[15]
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