How to Understand and Admire Cultural Differences

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:12
Differences do set us apart, but we often forget that we are all human, and our culture is much more representative of our differing environment than truly different people. Understanding and accepting other cultures is about keeping your...
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Differences do set us apart, but we often forget that we are all human, and our culture is much more representative of our differing environment than truly different people. Understanding and accepting other cultures is about keeping your mind open and learning, and you'll find a little knowledge is all it takes to truly broaden your horizons.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Broadening Your Horizons at Home

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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Staying Open-minded while Traveling

  1. Step 2 Read as much about the local culture as you can before arriving.
    It is irresponsible, in many ways, to arrive in a new country or state without knowing how things usually run. It is also the best way to get immediately shocked upon landing, which can make it harder to accept the culture later on. Read online, check some books, and generally arrive well-informed. That said, be ready for some shocks or changes in the real world -- but at least having some knowledge beforehand will help with any culture shock. Check especially for:
    • Culturally Unacceptable Practices: In some cultures, men and women should never touch in public. In some places, a thumbs up gesture is considered rude. If you want to truly understand a culture, you can't accidentally offend it.
    • Necessary dress and clothing: While shorts are acceptable across America, they are frowned upon in some places. Women, in particular, should pay attention to cultural fashion norms, as they may be strict.
    • Common greetings and phrases: Even if you don't learn the language, simply greetings can do wonders and open doors to all sorts of cultural experiences.[3] [4]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Accepting Odd or Extreme Cultural Practices

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  • Avoid stereotyping persons of another culture. Some members of each culture are out of the ordinary and are not typical of the people, but many ideas are old or are tourist attractions.
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  • Avoid judging and being unnecessarily antagonistic or disagreeable with others for whatever reasons. Be tolerant understanding that: yes, they differ but they probably think that you are rather odd, as well.
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