How to Use a Travel Pillow

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
A good travel pillow can make a world of difference on long trips. Ideally, the pillow will provide support for your neck or body so that you can sleep in a relaxed position, even on cramped, uncomfortable plane rides. Choose a pillow that...
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A good travel pillow can make a world of difference on long trips. Ideally, the pillow will provide support for your neck or body so that you can sleep in a relaxed position, even on cramped, uncomfortable plane rides. Choose a pillow that suits your sleeping style and try different positions to find where you are most comfortable.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Traveling with a Neck Pillow

  1. Step 1 Try your neck pillow before buying it.
    Neck pillows don’t typically come in different sizes, so the only way to know if it will fit comfortably is to try it on. If possible, put your neck pillow on before you buy it, or keep the receipt and try it on before your trip. You should be able to rest your head on it without bending your neck uncomfortably, and the material shouldn’t pinch or chafe on your neck.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using a Body Pillow

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