4-H is a youth organization that offers many opportunities for youth ages 5-19 to meet new friends, learn new skills, experience leadership, contribute to community, and much more! The four H's of 4-H stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and...
Gone are the days of stuffy school events—let's have some fun! A school event is a great way to spread awareness, raise some money, or just have a good time. Hosting an event is actually easier than you may think. With proper planning and...
Being a well-rounded teenager is a balancing act. Imagine you're in a circus and riding a unicycle. The ringmaster throws you one ball, and then two, then three and four, which you're expected to juggle all at once — while riding a...
Life as a teenager can be chaotic, especially when trying to balance a long day at school, extracurricular activities, relationships with friends and family, and homework. To gain some control, it's important to manage your time and...
It's hard to feel happy when you're grounded. Your beloved electronics may be in the hands of your parents, your friends may not be allowed to visit, or you may even be stuck in your room. Suddenly, you feel upset, unable to do what you...
People develop nicknames, both friendly and unfriendly, for all sorts of reasons. Often nicknames can be hurtful, sometimes you just don't identify with the name, or maybe you think it makes you sound too childish. Nicknames, especially...
Being the best person in the world isn't really possible, because everyone loves someone, everyone is good at something, everyone is different and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, aiming to be the closest you can to "the...
Are you hungry in the middle of the night, but you don't want to wake up your parents and have them yell at you? Here are a few simple steps and tips to help you be a sneaky snack-taker! Just remember: this can get you in a lot of trouble...
Perfection is something everyone strives for but no one really reaches. With the right mindset, however, you'll realize that this is a good thing. Being a teenager is difficult, as many people expect you to be perfect in many different...
As a preteen, you may feel like everyone still treats you like a child, even though you're on your way to being a teenager. Acting more mature can help you get some of the independence and trust that you're looking for. Communicate openly...