Evacuating a Building: Creating a Plan & Staying Safe in Emergencies

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:14
Your guide to staying safe in any building during any crisis When an emergency such as a fire, flood, or gas leak breaks out you need to be prepared to evacuate. Whether you're at school, in the workplace, or in any other public space,...
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When an emergency such as a fire, flood, or gas leak breaks out you need to be prepared to evacuate. Whether you’re at school, in the workplace, or in any other public space, it’s important to have a solid evacuation plan you can follow closely in an emergency. In this article, we’ll show you the best way to plan your evacuation route, leave the building you’re in, and stay safe once you’re outdoors.

Procedure for Evacuating a Building

  1. Identify the safest and nearest exits to where you’re working, staying, or visiting.
  2. Proceed to the nearest exit as quickly as you can.
  3. Do not use the elevators. If you have a disability and can't take the stairs, call 911.
  4. Stand away from the building or in a designated meeting area.
  5. Re-enter the building when you’re cleared to do so by emergency responders.
  6. Assess any damage and modify your evacuation plan for future emergencies.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Planning an Evacuation Route

  1. Step 1 Check evacuation plans.
    Office buildings, hotels, restaurants, and other commercial spaces often have pre-established evacuations plans and procedures. Check with building management to find out about the evacuation protocol if you are in this type of building.[1]
    • Look for evacuation maps on building doors and in public areas such as lobbies and stairwells.
    • If you are looking for evacuation plans for your office, check with your manager or the company head regarding current evacuation plans and what roles different people are to fill during an emergency.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Leaving the Building

  1. Step 2 Proceed quickly to an exit.
    Once you know you are to evacuate, proceed quickly to your nearest exit. Do try to avoid panicking, as panic can quickly disorganize a group, slow down the evacuation process, and put more people in danger.[4]
    • Do not worry about gathering belongings that are not immediately within reach. Taking time to pack a bag or go to another room once an evacuation has been called is dangerous. Take only what is already on your person or already packed and within arm’s reach.
    • If possible, exit through your nearest clearly marked exit sign. If a standard exit truly is not accessible, look for other ways out of the building such as through a window.
    • Do not use the elevators. Elevators in evacuations are reserved for use by emergency personnel. Using elevators also puts your life at risk as the elevator may fall, stop, malfunction, or otherwise fail to work. If you have a disability that does not allow you to go down the stairs, call 911, report your location, and wait for emergency personnel at the designated Area of Rescue Assistance. Depending on the building, there may be evacuation chairs that can be deployed by wheelchair companions.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Following Up After an Evacuation

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