How to Be Healthy

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Many people think that being healthy is a difficult task that involves lots of dieting and time at the gym, but that's actually not true! By supporting your body and mind, making some simple tweaks to your routine, and setting small goals...
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Many people think that being healthy is a difficult task that involves lots of dieting and time at the gym, but that's actually not true! By supporting your body and mind, making some simple tweaks to your routine, and setting small goals for yourself, you can be on the path toward living a healthier, happier life. Start a daily habit of making healthier choices when it comes to eating, relaxing, being active, and sleeping. Soon, you'll start to see your healthy life taking shape!

Things You Should Know

  • Set a healthy diet with plenty of water, fruit, veggies, lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Limit simple sugars and read food labels to make healthy choices.
  • Get in shape by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight (based on your physical frame).
  • Nurture your emotional health by practicing daily gratitude and positive thinking. Manage your stress, make time for self-care, and find an emotional balance in life.
  • Create a daily routine that can help you stick to your long-term health goals. Get a good night’s sleep, maintain your personal hygiene, and cut out risky behaviors.
Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Having a Healthy Diet

  1. Step 1 Drink more water...
    Drink more water.[1] Adults should drink 2–3 liters (0.53–0.79 US gal) (or roughly eight 8 oz glasses) of water per day, while children should drink 1–2 liters (0.26–0.53 US gal) (or roughly five 8 oz glasses). That is in addition to other drinks like tea or coffee. Water keeps your body at the correct temperature and removes toxins and maintains homeostasis.
    • Water also clears your skin, helps your kidneys, helps to control your appetite, and keeps you energized.[2]
    • It also keeps you from drinking unhealthy beverages like soda and juice, which are high in calories. The body barely registers the intake of these unhealthy drinks and yet you still feel thirsty hundreds of calories later.
    • Drinking hot water (aka tea) can help stimulate your digestive system. Hot water also helps your body naturally detoxify itself. Make sure the water is comfortably hot and won't burn you.

    Tip: If you dislike the taste of water, splash some lemon, lime, or 100% juice into your water. You can also choose to replace water with sparkling water mixed with juice in order to trick your brain into thinking that it's soda.

  2. Step 5 Consider going meatless...
    Consider going meatless at least a few days a week. Being vegetarian is a good way to reduce your calorie intake and get loads of vitamins and minerals. It can also improve your cardiovascular health. If you don't want to go fully vegetarian, you can improve your health by eating less meat. Choose a few days a week to go vegetarian, and switch out red meat for chicken, turkey, and fish.
    • When you eat a vegetarian diet, base your meals around non-starchy vegetables rather than grains like pasta or rice. When you do eat grains, choose whole grains. Eat protein at every meal, such as eggs, low-fat dairy, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, or other meat replacements.
    • For example, you might eat scrambled egg whites with tomatoes and spinach in a whole grain tortilla for breakfast, black bean soup with a small side salad for lunch, Greek yogurt for a snack, and vegetable lasagna for dinner.
    • A high-fiber diet is easily had without meat. Fiber has been shown to lower your cholesterol, control your blood sugar levels, improve your bowel health, and make you less likely to overeat. The recommended fiber intake is 30g a day for men and 21g for women; after the age of 50, this jumps up to 38g for men and 25g for women. Some good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables (with the skin), whole grains, and legumes.[9]
  3. 7
    Eat food when they’re in season. Some studies have found that fruits and vegetables carry more nutrients when they’re grown and harvested in their primary growing season. As the seasons change, adjust your diet to include foods that are grown at that time of year to ensure you’re having the most nutritious meals.[12]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Having a Healthy Exercise Plan

  1. Step 1 Get in shape...
    Get in shape. In addition to helping you lose weight and gain confidence, exercising has a host of other benefits for your body and mind. Having good cardiovascular health has been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer's, just to name one. So hit the pool for a swim, the pavement for a walk or jog, or the park for a hike as often as you can.
    • Exercising boosts your immune system too; even a change as minor as walking briskly for 20-30 minutes a day, five days a week can improve your immune system by increasing both your antibody and T-killer cell response.[14]
    • Exercising is also one of the absolute best ways to sleep better at night[15] —which can help you lose weight by keeping you from overeating. Read How to Get Fit for more details.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 343 wikiHow readers, and 59% agreed that exercise and physical activity isn’t just great for bodily health—it’s also the most fulfilling way to practice self-care. [Take Poll]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Being Emotionally Healthy

  1. 5
    Get outside. When you spend time outdoors, the fresh air helps boost your mood and helps your stress melt away. Step away from your screens and go spend some time in the sun going for a walk, relaxing at a park, or staying active with a sport. As an added bonus, the sun will help you get some vitamin D that’s important to help your body function.[25]
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Having a Healthy Routine

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Healthy Meal and Exercise Plans

Sample Weekly Meal Plan
Sample Weekly Vegetarian Meal Plan
Sample Weekly Exercise Plan


  • Incorporate a new routine slowly. You don't want to send a shock to your system. If you're undergoing a new exercise and eating regimen, consult your doctor.
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