How to Support a Family Member with a Disability

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:08
There are millions of people with some sort of disability. As a result, most people have either a friend or family member with a disability. While disabilities are relatively common, they come with a wide variety of challenges. Family...
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There are millions of people with some sort of disability. As a result, most people have either a friend or family member with a disability. While disabilities are relatively common, they come with a wide variety of challenges. Family members who wish to support their relatives may face a number of challenges. Ultimately, with a little knowledge, you'll be equipped to support your family member both physically and emotionally.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Providing Help and Support to Your Relative

  1. Step 3 Respond to a request for help or support appropriately.
    A very important part of providing help to a family member with a disability is the way you respond to requests for help from that person. This is important, because if you don’t respond in an appropriate way, that person won’t feel comfortable asking for help or confiding in you.
    • If your relative asks for help with a specific activity, try to help them as soon as you can. Try not to put it off so long that the person no longer needs your help.
    • Always be polite and gracious when the person asks for assistance. Avoid saying things like “I’m sort of busy, but I can help.” You don't want them to feel bad for having a disability. Instead, just say, "Sure, what can I do?"
    • Make sure you are pleasant and seem enthusiastic when you are helping or talking to your relative. Ultimately, if your relative feels like they are putting you out, they won’t want your support. Keep in mind that it may be difficult and take a lot for them to ask for help.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preparing Yourself

  1. Step 1 Research your family member’s condition.
    Because there are so many types of disabilities, you’ll have to put a bit of effort into researching your family member’s condition so you know what you need to do to help them. While spending time learning about the disability might seem like work, it will pay dividends in the future because you’ll have a much better understanding of your relative’s needs and the challenges that they face on a daily basis.
    • Disabilities can be physical. The main type of disability people think of when they think of people with disabilities are physical disabilities that restrict mobility.
    • Disabilities can be emotional or psychological. An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with emotional or psychological disabilities. One common psychological disability is post-traumatic stress disorder.
    • Disabilities can be developmental. Many people also experience learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities might require tutoring or extra help when it comes to making life choices or even choices on a daily basis.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


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