How to Defend Against a Knife Attack

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:10
Knife attacks can be very unpredictable and are potentially lethal. When wielded by muggers or would-be attackers, knives can cause more damage than a gun, and are much easier to get ahold of. When dealing with a knife attack, you'll want...
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Knife attacks can be very unpredictable and are potentially lethal. When wielded by muggers or would-be attackers, knives can cause more damage than a gun, and are much easier to get ahold of. When dealing with a knife attack, you’ll want to stay calm, be rational and defend yourself if needed.

Things You Should Know

  • De-escalate the attack by staying calm, asking what the attacker wants, calling for help, and running away if the opportunity arises.
  • Disable your assailant by attacking their throat, groin, or eyes.
  • Defend yourself by grabbing a makeshift weapon and trying to disarm them. If possible, grip your attacker's wrist so you can control where the knife goes.
  • Sign up for self-defense classes so you can be prepared for a random attack.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Trying to De-Escalate

  1. Step 1 Stay calm.
    If an attacker approaches you, you need to stay calm. Any sudden moves or actions may startle them and escalate the violence. Take deep breaths as you size each other up to stay relaxed and focused.[1]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Disabling Your Attacker

  1. Step 4 Go for your attacker's eyes.
    The eyes are an incredibly sensitive part of your body, and any attack focused on the eyes is sure to cause your attacker a lot of pain. Only use this if your attacker is very close, such as in situations where they've grabbed you and have you in a hold. Keep in mind that this technique is extremely dangerous and can be gory, and is only to be used in life or death situations.[7]
    • Extend your fingers to reach their eyes. Most people flinch instantly when they see an attack directed at their eyes, so you'll have to move very quickly. Snap your arm out towards their face in one swift motion.
    • Press your fingers hard into the eye socket. Simple scratching or light pushing will not be effective. These light attacks will cause pain, but may only further enrage your attacker. You'll need to use your fingers to push hard into the eyes, pressing them into the skull.
    • Push down. As you push your attackers eyes, press them down towards the base of the skull. Again, this technique is not for the faint of heart, and should only be used in the most dire of circumstances. It can cause blindness and even death.
    • Run. Once your attacker is incapacitated or unconscious, run away.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Defend Yourself

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How Can I Disarm Someone Who Is Lunging At Me With A Knife?


  • While you may be angry and prepared to fight back if you gain control of the knife, never stab or slash your attacker. While some states have self defense laws that may protect you against injuries to your attacker, in other states, you may go to jail.
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  • Always surrender or run first before attempting to fight.
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  • Never go into a knife fight unless you are prepared to get cut, because you will. Even if your defense is flawless and you have many years of martial arts experience, it is still likely that you’ll be badly injured defending yourself.
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  • Never do something illegal, especially if it involves great bodily harm or deadly force, because someone can threaten you with a knife right away to stop you from:
    • Committing a violent crime (e.g. in self-defense) that involves great bodily harm or deadly force
    • Leaving after you clearly did something illegal (e.g. by a citizen's arrest), when great bodily harm or deadly force was used in the crime that you committed and/or to resist the detention, and
    • Resisting arrest if that person is a police officer who is arresting you, when great bodily harm or deadly force was used in the crime that you committed and/or to resist the arrest, which is illegal, even if you're innocent.
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