How to Develop a Risk Management Plan

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:08
Developing an effective Risk Management Plan can help keep small issues from developing into emergencies. Different types of Risk Management Plans can deal with calculating the probability of an event, and how that event might impact you,...
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Developing an effective Risk Management Plan can help keep small issues from developing into emergencies. Different types of Risk Management Plans can deal with calculating the probability of an event, and how that event might impact you, what the risks are with certain ventures and how to mitigate the problems associated with those risks. Having a plan may help you deal with adverse situations when they arise and, hopefully, head them off before they arise.


  1. Step 1 Understand how Risk Management works.
    Risk is the effect (positive or negative) of an event or series of events that take place in one or several locations. It is computed from the probability of the event becoming an issue and the impact it would have (See Risk = Probability X Impact). Various factors should be identified in order to analyze risk, including:
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  • Consider what might happen if two or three things go wrong at the same time. The probability will be very low, but the impact can be extreme. Nearly every major disaster involved multiple failures.
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  • Do not let politics interfere with your assessment. This happens a lot. People don’t want to believe things they control could go wrong and will often fight you about risk levels. "Oh that could never happen" could be true, but then again it might be someone's ego talking.
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  • Do not ignore Low risk items completely, but don’t spend much time with them. Use High, Medium and Low to indicate how much effort you will put into monitoring each risk.
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  • Do not get too intricate for the project. Risk Management is an important part of the project but it shouldn’t overshadow the actual work to be done. If you’re not careful about this, you can start chasing irrelevant risks and overload your plan with useless information.
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  • Do not assume you have all the risks identified. The nature of risk is that it is unpredictable.
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